Do your thing

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Nowadays, many people are in the same professional situation. You can’t cope with the flood of professions that have been added over the last 10 years thanks to digitization. You keep asking yourself: What is actually the right thing for me? We have not been taking on the same profession as our parents for a long time.

In this article I would like to tell about my point of view, how I motivate myself again and again to use the possibilities, which are open to you, and to simply do my thing.

Try yourself out

My uncertainty has always been to commit myself to something I don’t want to do. But how do I manage to find the right thing for myself? The magic word for this is: Try it!

Try different areas if you are not sure what you want to do at the beginning. This way, your question will clear up on its own. Don’t doubt it if you don’t know right away where your path will lead. It’d be pretty boring if you knew exactly what was coming.

I am so grateful that the knowledge is nowadays only a few clicks away, namely on the net. For almost everything there is something to research on the Internet. You can acquire knowledge of your own, for example in the areas of photography, color management, image processing, and so on. The prerequisite is to deal with it in a disciplined manner. Because you do it for yourself, and nobody is looking over your shoulder and saying that you should learn that. In the past, you had to find all this by yourself. What do you do when you come across a term you haven’t heard of yet? Right, you just googled it.

I became aware of this once again through a good example. I don’t have much experience baking cakes or pies. What have I done? Of course. I watched a YouTube tutorial. There are really super good videos that explain step by step how to do it. Respect to those who taught themselves everything laboriously 50 years ago. Sure, surfing and stuff like that is fun, but you should use the internet to your advantage.

Scared? No thanks!

“Fear begins in the head – so does courage!” is an old adage. Fear only blocks you unnecessarily. It´s only stopping you. That’s why you dare! Dare to go another way. Just because you don’t go the conventional way like others, you don’t have to feel bad. Don’t compare your path to others’ either. Everyone goes his individual way. As long as you feel comfortable with it, and you know it will help you personally, everything is good and right. Nothing is worse than later regretting not having tried it. What if…

…you don’t even have to ask yourself. You have so many options, you just have to use them for yourself. Set yourself no limits that you think you’re too old. Sure, at some point you should commit yourself, but dreams have no expiration date, they are there to be lived.


Don’t let others tell you you won’t make it. Here are good countless examples of people who have simply done their thing. They are now happy to have done what they wanted. It doesn’t matter what people think about you. More important is what you think of yourself.

Don’t give up just because it didn’t work out the first time. Nothing worked out for the first time. Even if you will fail, the royal rule to success is endurance and patience. Be proud you tried, and just keep going. By trying it all out, you will get to know yourself better over time. You filter out what suits you best and what doesn’t. By making things easy, you overcome your self-doubt or fears more and more. As already mentioned, this requires a great deal of patience, because you have to be able to trust yourself. Patience is trust.

The red thread

I’m always talking about the so-called red thread. You’ll find him all by yourself if you just do it. You must have a clear goal in mind that you will continue to pursue until you have achieved it. Trust that everything always happens when the time is right. The right time will come. Providing you do your thing with all your heart. Then you’ll find it all makes sense. Stay strong and embark on your life’s journey that will make you happy. Because you’re the only one responsible. No one else but you.

You’ll never know what you’re capable of if you don’t do it. So decide to roll up your sleeves and make something great out of it.

Here once again summarized 10 encouragement for you:

1. Dare to try different areas.
2. Dare to go another way.
3. Don’t set limits.
4. If you’re in it with all your heart, then you’re in the right place.
5. Don’t let yourself be distracted and don´t let anything tell you
6. Don’t give up on the first try.
7. Always keep in mind what you’ve already achieved and keep going.
8. Be patient and trust that the right time will come.
9. Be sure to set yourself a goal that you want to achieve.
10. Be aware of what you think of yourself instead of worrying about what others think of you.



Fight for it.

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